Sharing a little soothing

Baby Aaron was very unsettled this morning and I remembered a friend told me to hold them tummy down to soothe their belly. So i did and he stopped crying and fell asleep (in my arms…) so I put him down in the couch to have a rest. 100% supervised tummy time, I promise.

Sharing a little sailor

 Grandma in Brazil bought Aaron this little sailor outfit. I think is still a wee big but still…:)

Oh, the news this week is that Aaron won’t sleep. I’m not such a happy peep at the moment…oh well!

Sharing a little weekend

Today we went to several places.
we went to Coogee to get some stuff my mum sent from Brazil via someone random! 🙂
than we went for our first walk in the park…very nice to be out in the fresh air. but still need to be very timed cause I’m still not quite there with the “public” feeding.

And then when we came home Ben and I started to play around with sleepy Aaron and our camera, just because he was wearing his new onesie we bought yesterday (I was a little bit fed up with everything white).
Here is the result.



sharing a little Aaron

I will start this post saying please disregard my bad grammar. I am very tired but i know it will get better soon and i really wanted to share my baby Aaron with everyone.
Last night we had the naming and brit mila party. It was wonderful with so many friends that came to share the blessing with us.
We named our baby Aaron Reuven – Reuven goes after my belated father.

For what is left to be said, we are adjusting. It is too early to have a routine, since sometimes he sleeps 2 hours, sometimes 4, but we are getting there. Also, the feeding is a learning process improving by the day (should I say improving by the feed?)

Here are some photos.

and we are home :)

Today, Sunday was the day that we finally came home from hospital. It is a new start for the Hoch Family.
Its funny cause when we opened the door this morning I told Ben It reminds me when we came home from our honey moon…a new beginning.

I suppose it happens to everyone, but when we left the Hospital I sat on the back seat of the car, near the capsule holding his little head and Ben was so careful driving.

Here are some photos from today.