Gefilte Fish- My mum’s recipe

Ok, So here is the deal:

I live in Sydney, but my mother lives in Brazil. Thanks G. for Msn! 🙂

I asked her how to make Gefilte Fish, and she explained me via MSN, Mother style, you put a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
So here is the recipe, based on what she said / how I made it.
But first, what is Gefilte Fish? For people that doesn’t know (From wikipedia) Gefilte fish are poached fish patties or fish balls made from a mixture of ground deboned fish and very popular in the Ashkenazim Jewish community.

So here is the recipe:
This quantity is enough to make what you see in this photo (Around 15 balls  – in the photo I cut them in Half)

 – 1 kg of fish, deboned and without the skin. Preference for Carp / Cod / Snapper. I used 5 types. Snapper, Barramundi, Trout, Cod and something else I don’t remember the name.
 – 3 eggs
 – 3 onions
 – Salt and Pepper to taste
 – 2 tbps caster sugar
 – 4 to 5 tbsp cold water
 – 4 tbsp flour (Matzomeal during passover)
For the Fish Stock:
 – water
 – 1 fish head (Yacki, I know)
 – Carrots cut in round slices like the photo
 – an extra onion cut in edges
Or you can use ready fish stock, it should work out fine.
 – Prepare fish stock. Use the biggest pan you have at home.
 – in a food processor put onions and fish. Process it until looks homogeneous (Like baby food)
 – In a large bowl, beat lightly the eggs with a spoon. than add Sugar (If you beat the eggs with sugar you can burn the egg yolks), salt and pepper and bit a little bit more. 
 – add the Fish puree to the beaten eggs, than on the top put the flour and start mixing, here you can you a wooden spoon but hands are your best friends.
 – add a little bit of water if the mixture is to hard / dry.
 – Leave the mixture to rest for a couple of minutes (Maybe 10)
Now, put water in a bowl, you will need to wet your hands to make the balls / patties.
Get a Tablespoon to use it as a measurement, so you can have all the Gefilte fish in the same size. Make little balls / oval shapes and place it in the fish stock pan to cook. (Fish stock should be hot, and in the stove, if it was put aside before)
Leave it to cook for around 1 hour in a medium high heat.
Discard the Stock. 
Tradition says you should put one slice of carrot on the top of each fish ball, to simbolize gold. 🙂
My family serves it cold. 
It can be frozen for around 4 weeks.

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